It means a lot to me to be able to say I AM A RUNNER, because it's a gift and requires a lot work and patience to build up on my strength and my confidence.

Running is so important in my life now, it's like a right arm to me. Running has helped me with my mental health. l suffer from depression and anxiety so getting outdoors and putting in a good run makes me feel better. There is a calmness in running and it always halps to clear the mind.

Running has impacted my life in many ways, particularily since I joined an excellent running club in Gowran A.C. in my beautiful Kilkenny City. There is no magic wand for the healing process. It takes time and running has helped me focus on something that I'm not only passionate about, but also something that helps my physical and mental wellbeing.

The people in the running community are like brothers and sisters l never had.  

Then covid 19 hit. Unfortunately my work establishment had to close. To be honest, I was very frustrated and of course frightened. So I turned to my life saver running. Living in the heart of Kilkenny City l was privileged to have the stunning grounds of the castle park. Covid 19 has made me fitter and stronger as an athlete and as a person.

My running aim for 2020? With Covis 19 we've all had lots of time to train and knock a few minutes off a 5 miler and 10 miler. I've set my sights on the 2021 Dublin Marathon.


Visit the #IAMARUNNER page for more information. Click HERE

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