Discover Your Local Waterway


Self-guided and guided walks are accessible, fun ways for families, groups, clubs and individuals to use the waterways either as part of a Sunday outing, for healthy walks or for traffic free enjoyment of longer distance trails. Check out the walks on each waterway to find the one that suits your group, your starting point and your timeframe the best.​​

​A landscape of sandstone hills and mountains, and a waterfront graced with bays, scenic harbours, nature-rich wetlands and wild woodland mean walking around Ireland's watyerways is a rare treat. Some shores have been settled since prehistoric times with trails studded with reminders of the past, from a beech grove where 19th century ladies took tea in Portumna Forest, to the blustering cliffs around Lough Erne in Co. Fermanagh. As the seasons change, Ireland's waterways remains constant in her beauty, and is as captivating in the rinsed-out, watercolour tones of winter as it is in the technicolour-drenched heights of summer. Follow these trails and you’ll stumble upon partings in the forest where views of the water will stop you in your tracks. Swans cut soft ripples through the vitreous surface, dragonflies blitz, and the skies above seem endless. It is true paradise....

Discover your local Waterway today!

The Royal Canal Greenway

The Shannon-Erne Blueway

The Shannon Blueway

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