Runuary 31km Ambassador Susan Spillane



Susan Spillane

Which Runuary Challenge are you taking on?

I’m taking on the 31km challenge and cant wait to get going!

Why did you sign up?

January is always a hard month – its cold, its dark and the last thing you want to do at the end of a long day is lace up those runners and get out that door. So taking part in this challenge – and encouraging others to do likewise, is going to be the motivation to get those runners on and get out that door! Here’s to a New Start in the New Year!

Why/when did you get into running?

Back before May 2015 I couldn’t run for a bus. After my brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin's Lymphoma I decided I wanted to do something for those flighting the good fight against cancer – so I got in contact with the Irish Cancer Society with the aim of fundraising and ended up committing to running the Boston Marathon in 2017. By the time that race arrived I had ran three marathons and was hooked for life (and best news – my brother has been in remission for the last couple of years).

What motivates you to go out and train on those days where motivation can be lacking?

Its far from easy to keep motivated and I know so many of us struggled in 2020 to do so. I do find training for an event helps – and at least this year there was plenty of virtual challenges to keep us all going! Having a training plan for these events helps so much - when you know you have a distance/target that you want to conquer and understand that sticking to that schedule will accomplish that goal, it makes the sessions fly by as you tick them off! Being a member of a running club is also a bonus! I joined the Waterstown Warriors back in 2017 and just seeing people’s running posts on our social medial channels is encouragement to get out that door!

What are your favourite treats or rewards after a hard session?

My glass soy/dairy free chocolate milk is a must! Just love it after a good run. After a long run I also ensure I have a banana – and then something protein heavy for my lunch (poached eggs are one of my favs!).

What is the one thing you can’t run without?

I’ve a little heart necklace that use to belong to my Mum – and when she passed away back in 2018 I had 26.2 engraved on it. I always wear it when I head out for my runs – its my good luck charm.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself?

I’m one of 6,600 people in the world to date that have completed the World Marathon Majors – just four years after taking up running! Its amazing what new horizons this sport can give you! 

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