Blog - High Peformance

  • High Peformance
    Some tips on getting up and running
    Written by David Matthews - 2 Time Olympian, Double Irish Record Holder

    There’s no doubt we are right in the middle of a running boom in Ireland.  There isn’t a parish or village across the country that ha

  • High Peformance
    Relaxation and Running
    Written by Catherina McKiernan

    Running has always been an integral part of my life, and I have been lucky enough to be able to turn my passion for running into a career which I look

  • High Peformance
    Running for body and mind
    Written by Grace Lynch - Sports and exercise scientist/ Full time athlete/ Neuromuscular Physical Therapist

    ‘’ Your mind is a reservoir of potential; your heart an ocean of strength; your soul a well of talents; and your body a vessel of power.&r

  • High Peformance
    Keeping the Family Active for a Healthier Lifestyle
    Written by Robert Heffernan

    There really is no excuse for allowing our children to become inactive. We are constantly being told about the importance of exercise in supporting th

  • High Peformance
    Physical, Mental and Social benefits of Recreational Running
    Written by Feidhlim Kelly

    It may not quite have been a Field of Dreams moment but Waterstown Park has never been the same since Julie O’Connor put a call out to see if an

  • High Peformance
    Fitting Exercise Into A Busy Family Life
    Written by Marian Heffernan

    Juggling family commitments, work responsibilities and a fitness regime can be a little overwhelming from time to time, but it’s important that

  • High Peformance
    Heal, Recover And Perform To Your Best
    Written by Pure Athlete

    Training and pushing oneself to the limits is a given for any athlete or person who wants to maintain high levels of physical fitness and a competitiv

  • High Peformance
    New Year, New Goals!
    Written by Athletics Ireland

    As we start the New Year here in Athletics Ireland excited to see what the next 12 months bring, we can now reflect on what was an extremely successfu

  • High Peformance
    Have Fun, Be Active, Try Athletics!
    Written by Athletics Ireland

    As the recreational department slows down for Christmas we can only look back at 2018 as another successful and enjoyable year. Throughout the past 12

  • High Peformance
    Full Speed Ahead
    Written by Athletics Ireland

    The last few months have been very busy and productive here at Athletics Ireland, with everyone putting their shoulders to a wheel moving in the right

  • High Peformance
    Faster, Higher, Stronger!
    Written by Athletics Ireland

    You have to be quick out of the blocks to keep up with all that is going on in Athletics Ireland at the moment. The Olympic motto Citius, Al

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