10 Club Grants Available for HER Outdoors Week August 12-18th 2024


HER Outdoors week aims to celebrate and encourage more females to get out and enjoy the benefits of being outdoors while bringing visibility to the opportunities for women to get involved in outdoor physical activity. This is a nationwide campaign overseen by Sport Ireland’s Outdoor Unit and we are delighted to be part of this once again. Athletics Ireland have received funding from Sport Ireland to support this campaign.


Club Grants 

Athletics Ireland wants to encourage more women and girls to get outdoors and bring someone along too; mums, nieces, friends, cousins and grannies, everyone is welcome! This is a great opportunity for clubs to introduce the sport to new participants and to increase club membership.

The idea could be a once off session or a series of initiatives. The session must be targeting women, girls and in particular specific demographics like teenage girls, midlife women or disadvantaged groups.

This year we are encouraging clubs to collaborate to reach a wider group of women and girls. This is a great chance for local clubs to socialise and network with each other also. We also hope to increase the visibility of these events and will be sending videographers along to some of the events to capture them.


Available Grants

Athletics Ireland has10 grants of up to €250 available for clubs to run programmes or projects to encourage women and girls to get outdoors. The project must have a target group in mind with a clear goal. We expect the application process to be very competitive this year so to improve the reach of the projects, we will look more favourably on projects that involve collaboration with other clubs. The grants can support:

  • Venue hire for the duration of the project 
  • Coaching costs for the duration of the project
  • Any equipment hire needed
  • Purchase of merchandise

The deadline for applications is 5pm on 19th July. Late applications will not be accepted.



Club Grant Stipulations

  1. The program must run during HER Outdoor Week or be launched/conclude during the week
  2. The grant may not be used for any other costs other than detailed above.
  3. The club must provide Athletics Ireland with a final report including a copy of receipts/invoices to show how the grant was spent and the number of participants who took part.
  4. Any underspend on the grant should be returned to Athletics Ireland
  5. The grant must be applied for in 2024 and must be spent in 2024 on a HER Outdoor project.
  6. The club must follow existing Athletics Ireland guidelines on non-members taking part in club activities for insurance purposes.  
  7. Clubs must promote the project using the correct Athletics Ireland Logo and HER Outdoors Logo. These will be provided upon receipt of the grant.


Members Get Involved too!   

What outdoors activities have you and your girls got planned? We want females everywhere discovering the fun and freedom of the outdoors.

  • Ignite that sense of adventure with a Walk, Jog, or Run and share your epic outdoor selfies with us using #EmbraceYourSpace
  • Why not get in your 2K-A-Day with the family this week and tag us in your outdoor selfies with us using #FindYourOutdoors.
  • Why not pop us a selfie of you enjoying your walk or run with your four-legged friend



The Sport Ireland Outdoors logo, Her Outdoors Logo and Athletics Ireland logo must be included on all print, online and digital assets in the lead up to and throughout HER Outdoors Week.   

Branding will be provided on successful receipts of grant.


  • Please tag the following in each social media post @SportIreland @AthleticsIreland
  • Compulsory - #EmbraceYourSpace #HEROutdoorsWeek
  • Optional additions- #WomeninSportIRE


Any questions please contact Anna Grealish, Women in Sport Lead


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