Athletics Ireland is delighted to announce a new collaboration with the Sport Ireland Campus which will see enhanced access to the National Indoor Arena (Sport Ireland Campus) for high-performance, club training, and coaching & development purposes each weekday from 6-10pm at a significantly reduced fee.

This initiative comes into effect from today (17th October 2022) and will run until 31st March 2023. Please note the first week will be a trial basis as the new IT system beds in and the NIA becomes fully functional following a period of unavailability.

This is open to all Athletics Ireland members and is underwritten by Athletics Ireland and the County Boards of Dublin, Meath, Kildare, Wicklow.

Booking: Athletes can book sessions via the ‘Sport Ireland Campus App’, 7 days in advance (on a rolling basis).

Session Times:  

  • (1) 6.00pm to 7.30pm
  • (2) 7.30pm to 9.00pm
  • (3) 9.00pm to 10.00pm


  • Via Sport Ireland Campus App (Maximum of 7 x days in advance)
  • €4 per 1.5 hr session fee, or €3 per 1 hr session (i.e. 9.00pm to 10.00pm session)
  • Non-members €6/hr (9.00pm to 10.00pm only)


  • For groups up to 40 (sharing) book via NIA Booking office. Cost is Individual user fee x Number of users
  • For larger club groups (>40) wanting to book exclusively, book via NIA Booking office.
  • Cost: €330 per 1.5 hr session or €220 per 1 hr session (9.00 – 10.00pm)

HP athletes:

  • Book and reserve places for planned training, via the Sport Ireland Booking form

Development Initiatives:

  • As per HP above


  • Coaches must also book for each session but will not be charged a fee via Booking App.

Maximum Numbers:

  • 150 max athletes per session. Coaches are not included in this number.

AAI Registration Number:

  • Athletes will need a valid AAI registration number to register.

Non-AAI Users:

  • Can use the venue at €6 per hour, if spaces are available, during the 9-10pm slots.

Code of Conduct:

  • A published code of conduct must be adhered to at all times.

Track Etiquette:

  • No groups or individuals will have preference over other groups during any bookings, so normal track etiquette shall be adhered to, with respect shown to each other’s needs.


  • No cameras or phones shall be used for photographic purposes, however Coaches who require camera use, will be able to complete a ‘Permission Form’ for the whole season.


The Athletics Ireland point of contact for queries will be David Matthews or Dave Sweeney

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