Governance Meetings All Welcome


Following the presentation of the proposed new governance structures at the recent AGM (see slides below), Athletics Ireland wishes to advise that two interactive virtual sessions will be facilitated to present the major changes to the governance structures.

The proposed new governance structures are the output of many expert contributions from Consultants, the Governance Committee, Working Groups and the Board and we welcome further suggestions as we aspire to deliver a structure that is fit for purpose into the future. As we are all aware our business has evolved significantly over the past 25 years and we are constantly looking to be better in all we do, hence this review.

Both sessions will be identical and will provide an opportunity for all members to ask questions. Questions can also be submitted in advance to the CEO,

An EGM is proposed for the 21st of September 2024 where relevant motions will be presented to introduce this proposed new structure following Congress 2025.


Meeting Links

Wednesday 15th May, 8pm to 9pm Zoom link

Thursday 23rd May, 8pm to 9pm Zoom Link


 AGM Governance Presentation Slides

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