HER Outdoors Week: Beara AC


In conjunction with Sport Ireland and HER Outdoors week, Athletics Ireland launch the availability of the Her Outdoors Club Grant Scheme, following on from the major success in 2022. Learn more and apply HERE.


We kicked off Her Outdoors week on Monday 4th August with an accessible ,beginner’s trail run for women.

The trail we chose was the Pulleen Loop @ Cuas Quay, Ardgroom, Beara. Kristin O’Sullivan, who has graced many IMRA podiums on behalf of Beara AC, took a lead on the run and Natalie Treacher, club Coach and Chair was the tail runner. Seven other women from the local area joined us to run the 5k loop at a social pace, enjoying the views, taking photos and exploring the geology of the local area – spectacular caves and blowholes. At the end of the run we had some time for refreshments and a chat about kit and how to go about planning our own runs.

The aim was to help people recognise and enjoy all the beauty in their back yard. We are so lucky to have it but don’t always appreciate it.

Some women agreed that they would be unlikely to come on trail runs unless they were advertised as beginner friendly, and this was a great opportunity to try something new. Many women can feel intimidated by trail running and fear that they will be the slowest or hold people back. Everyone agreed they felt supported and comfortable and the pace worked well for everyone.

Trail running, when you aren’t racing, needn’t be about getting there first, but about exploring your environment and appreciating the outdoors. We want to encourage people to appreciate the beauty of their back yard on their own terms. What is important to emphasise to women is that there is no rush, beginners are encouraged and no one will be left behind. We took as our motto – Safe, Steady and Social – to show a different face of trail running, which doesn’t have to be on dizzying mountain tops or on difficult terrain.

Beara AC chose to celebrate HER Outdoors Week because we are a club that is driven by women with eight of the nine committee offices currently being held by women. We were keen to celebrate female involvement in our club, but also make sure we were championing involvement for everyone at every level. We will be offering a programme of entry-level trail runs and jogs open to all but especially encouraging women throughout the year.

Thanks to Sport Ireland and Athletics Ireland for their support.

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