HER Outdoors Week: St Senans AC


In conjunction with Sport Ireland and HER Outdoors week, Athletics Ireland launch the availability of the Her Outdoors Club Grant Scheme, following on from the major success in 2022. Learn more and apply HERE.



A fantastic morning was had this morning up at Castlemorris Woods trail walk in Croan, Co. Kilkenny for HERs Outdoor week in conjunction with Athletics Ireland and Sport Ireland.

A group of 20 ladies from Kilmacow, Ferrybank, Mulinavat, Croan and Carlow joined in on this beautiful woodland trail. It was a 7km trail walk through forestry roads, grassy path and country roads which should normally take between 2hrs-2.5hrs according to the website but these fit ladies managed to do it in around 1.5hrs. Well done ladies!

The trail walk was led by three experienced trail walkers/first aid who were very familiar with the area so no one got lost or got hurt thankfully! Thanks very much for volunteering lads. We all enjoyed a beautiful breakfast afterwards in Ballyhale at Billy’s Tea rooms.

The ladies really enjoyed the event. It was nice and relaxed and got to chat away to new people along the walk. At St. Senans AC, we chose to celebrate HER Outdoors week, to try something different like a trail walk especially for those who are not into running and prefer walking. An activity anyone can do at their own pace, which enabled participants to hike in a safe way. After researching this idea initially, and realised there are so many fabulous trails around us to explore and it will be exciting the do in our club creating opportunities for Women in Sport, to socialise and to engage in Physical Activity outdoors. It will be a way to promote our club, encourage new members to join in a fun and safe environment. This event will hopefully fit in nicely to the Fit4Life programme we are hoping to kick off in mid September. So watch this space ladies where we hope to arrange similar trail walks around the south east.

A big thanks to Athletics Ireland for celebrating the HERs Outdoor Week and for giving us ladies the opportunity to celebrate this event encouraging us to get outside and enjoy the benefits of being outdoors.

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